Antedeluvian World

There are a number of writings that are not included in the bible, specific examples being works written by Adam & Eve together, their son Seth, and also the many books of Enoch. All of these are believed to have been written before the time of Noah and survived the Flood by his hands. The links I have regarding these books and subjects will be provided at the bottom of this page.
Words of the Bible in Blue
Author's Commentary in Yellow
Non-biblical Writings in 00FF00

Creation in 7 Days or 7000 Years?
Creation of Adam
The Plurality of God Shown
Creation of Eve
The Garden of Eden
The Fall From Grace
Cain And Abel


Enoch "Fallen Angels" Genesis 5:24
Enoch "Intercession"
Enoch "Book of Watchers"
Enoch "Book of Dreams"
Adam & Eve "Fall From Grace"
Adam & Eve "Penance"
Adam & Eve "Generations"
Adam & Eve "Deaths of"