Do you hear my cries dear Lord
As to the cross I cling
When I feel like
I am all alone
And the answers you don't bring
But sometimes Lord it seems
that you really don't care
but in my heart
I know
that you are always there
When out in the trials
that seems like the seas
I feel battered and
around like the breeze
But I cling to the cross
and your nail scared hand
Because I know
without you
I cannot trully stand
With you Lord all things
are possable and true
Without you Lord
wouldn't know what to do
So Lord hold to my hand
and i'll cling to you
I know Lord by my
you'll bring me through
Just help me to hold on
when all seems lost
Keeping my trust in
even when I am tossed
For you'll hold me up
when i'm about to go down
you'll keep me from
and hitting the ground