Marian's Corner
Hell Threw A Party
The devil and all his demons
Were shouting out for glee
The son of God was crucified
Today on an old rugged tree
"I saw him" said the demon
Who was causing the people to scream
"As they shouted away with him
And they became so violent and mean"

"I saw him too" said the demon
Who caused the soldiers to scorn
"They whipped & mocked him & on his head
They rammed a crown made of thorns"
"I saw him" said the demon
Who was standing with the scribes
"I heard him say, Father forgive them
As he gave up the ghost and died"

The devil was so happy
His plan had come to pass
Now he would be ruler of all
The world was his at last
But just then they saw a figure
A man tall and strong was he
As he neared where Satan stood
All of hell fell to their knees

"How could this be" cried Satan
"What do you want from me??"
Jesus smiled & held out his hand
"Oh, I just came for the keys"
As he walked away from hell
He took the saved souls with him
Satan knew he had not won anything
That the war was about to begin

So many years have gone by
It's been a war for man's soul
To choose Jesus or the devil
Hell or Heaven is the goal
Jesus over came for us
Death, hell and the grave
So we could have eternal life
Through his blood we are saved

written by Marian Vest...on march 9-01