My Children hear my plea Why did I send my son Don't let hell be your home My blood has paid the price I, the son of God Don't let hell win your soul You will live on forever somewhere I cry out for you right now Written by Marian Vest....
For I've paid for your soul
That you would
miss hell's fire
and make heaven your goal
When you will not heed my call
Did he not give
his life
and the price, he paid it all
with the gnashing and gnawing of teeth
made a way for your escape
But don't try to come as a thief
You have been set free
All you have to do
To accept what I did at Calvary
Took your place on the tree
I bore your sicknesses
and sins
For all the world to see
The devil is not your friend
He'll gobble
you up and spit you out
and for you it will be the end
Why not make heaven your home
you don't want to burn forever
When in Heaven peace and love is known
Times are growing short
Make your way to
the cross
and receive now the good report