Death Has No Sting
by: Mary Ford Do not fear death; it has no hold on thee. Take a few moments, try to see this vision; in a dream given to me. I saw Him coming in the clouds of mist. I heard Him saying~ Only Look At This. I saw His Hands opened wide. I heard Him saying~"Rise Up, My Child." I saw His Eyes Look to and fro; for the ones who love Him so! He said to me, " You, I See..." and He motioned me on, and said, "Rise Up Child, We're Headed Home." Don't look to the left or right, Keep your eyes on the shining light. Worry not who's coming too, They'll be there; Just like You. You've waited now for so long, Go, take your place by the Throne. Your Father's There waiting on You. He'll embrace you with His Loving Touch, He'll kiss your cheek and take your hands. Your eyes will be opened and you will see Him in The Promised Land. So, look up high; to the sky. You're headed Home; it won't be long... He blew a lightly breeze and in flight I took, I'm rising up~ taking a look... Beyond the clouds; I hear a voice singing out loud, Come, Come My Child~Burst through the clouds. But this I couldn't do. It wasn't time for to go through! I could see on the other side; There He Was, just on the other side. I AM : The Great I AM: He Is there, on the other side, with arms opened wide. Come, Come, Come To Me, I am waiting for You to See. I could feel the warmth. In the cloudy mist, taking me closer, higher in the skies. Oh, I see His Loving eyes! He's clothed in Love; all around! My search is over: The Master~ I've found. Death has no sting; for Gloryland, I have seen. He showed me exactly what I needed to see. And for all the ones that have gone, and taken their place in Our Heavenly Home: death had no claim, when they called on His Name! They're up Yonder now, don't be sad: they're filled with happiness, be glad. They've made it to the other side. Beyond the clouds, to their Home: Just where they belong! He told me to pass it on, to give peace for all the ones who have lost their loved ones: "They've Gone Home." written by: Mary Fordİ2001 |