Tutor 3 Website links
Link to this page
Looks like this as code.
<A HREF="http://www.prophecy.worthyofpraise.org/html/tutor3.html" target="_top">Link to this page</a>
A HREF=full web-site address or URL" of the desired link
Target=where you want the link to show up. standard uses are
Target="_blank" to open the link in a new window
Target="_top" or "_self" to open in the current window
Title="the text that shows up when you pause the mouse on top of this link"
Jeff Farnsworth
To send me an email it looks like this as code.
<A HREF="mailto:grampa_jeff@bellsouth.net" title="This will activate you email system to send an email to me.">Jeff Farnsworth</a>
Below is shown the other way to create an embedded link.
The globe with the sunglasses icon will allow you to set a link
to the highlighted text when you select it.

In the lower left corner of the reply message is a box. Use HTML to create.
If you click once it checks the box and allows editing of the html code for the message.
If you click it a second time you can see the results of the html code.