center justify - Sets highlighted text or from then on centered on message.
right justify - Sets highlighted text or from then on to right justify.
Numbered list - Number listing on each enter.
Bulleted list - Dots listing on each enter.
Indent decrease - changes the indent used above.
Indent increase - changes the indent used above.
line full width - places a horizontal dividing line in message.
globe with glasses - Allows the highlighted text to be made into a link.
table creator - Allows you to make a table to put graphics or text into.
Insert photo - Allows you to add a graphic from any photo albums of all your groups.
Font colorizer -
Allows you to make the highlighted text any color you want.
Note: dark on dark background may not show up.
Emoticons - lets you pick the one you want to add to your message.

In the lower left corner of the reply message is a box. Use HTML to create.
If you click once it checks the box and allows editing of the html code for the message.
If you click it a second time you can see the results of the html code.