My commentary in yellow
Book's Author quotes in green
All links visited or not in blue
The words of Jesus of Nazareth in red

Signature of God

By Grant R.Jeffrey

Table of Contents

....I fully recommend reading this book to gain whatever knowledge you can from it. I will be extracting some of the useful revelations found in this book. I am not trying to review this book or do I have any connection with this author other than being brothers in Christ. This book was one of those books that opens your eyes to obvious things which were not appearant before hand. In todays world where some priests & ministers don't believe that Jesus will ever return, to this discraceful matter on going with the Catholic priests. We need to search for the truth everywhere.

Chapter 1 The Battle for the Bible

"It has been calculated that 87 % of the first 119 colleges built in America were established by Christians to educate young people in thier faith."
"Despite the efforts of the pagan emperors to burn every copy of the Bible during the first three centuries after Christ,Christianity became the official state religion of the Roman Empire."
"Few Christians today realize that, in Italy, it was illegal to possess a Bible until 1870 due to the hatred of apostate church officials for the truth of the Scriptures."
The sociologist Jeffrey Hadden completed a survey for the Danforth Foundation. Ten thousand mainline Protestant pastors from 6 masjor denominations were asked these questions:
1.Was Jesus born of a virgin?....Totally Agree
2.Was Jesus the Son of God?....Totally Agree
3.Is the Bible the Inspired Word of God?....Totally Agree
More than half of these pastors could not answer 'Totally Agree' to these questions. A majority of the pastors surveyed qualified their answers to these questions indicating either partial agreement or disagreement."
I Totally Agree with all the above answers with the addition of one thing; due to the relentless attack on the Bible by Satan, I feel there has been some parts omitted or left out such as the Book of Enoch and others. Which I study and allow my spirit to determine the truth of them.

All of the following (scriptures) will open to a display of the scripture before and after the one listed just placing the mouse over the (scripture) will display the whole verse.

The Authority of the Old Testament Confirmed by Jesus Christ

One of the most important evidences regarding the accuracy and inspiration of the Old Testament Scriptures is that both Jesus Christ and the apostles absolutely confirm the authority of these writings as being inspired by God. Jesus Christ declared that "the scripture cannot be broken" (John 10:35). In another passage Jesus stated, "And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail" (Luke 16:17). In addition, the Lord confirmed that Moses was the writer of the first five books of the Law (Luke 24:27;John 5:46,47). Christ also stated that Isaiah was the author of the Book of Isaiah (Matthew 13:14,citing Isaiah 6:9,10). One of Jesus' most significant statements was His declaration that Daniel had written the Book of Daniel (Matthew 24:15) thereby contradicting those critics who claim that Daniel was written by someone pretending to prophecy in 165 b.c.Jesus spoke of Adam, Eve and their son Abel as real personalities (Matthew 19:4,5;23:35). In Luke 17;26,28, Jesus referred to both Noah and Lot. According to John 8:56-58, the Lord confirmed the Bible's narrative about Abraham. Perhaps, most importantly, Jesus confirmed the accuracy of the Genesis account about the creation (Mark 10:6-9) and the worldwide flood (Matthew 24:37-39)...
...If David then call him Lord, how is he his son?(Matthew 22:45)

The Early Date of the writing of the New Testament

It is now acknowledged, even by many liberal scholars, that the New Testament Gospels ans Epistles were written and widely circulated throughout the Christian communities of the Roman Empire within forty or fifty years of the events they describe."...
...When you consider that millions of these converts (in the Early Church) died horribly as martyrs rather than deny their Lord it stands to reason that they were convinced with all their mind, soul, and spirit that the Gospels spoke the truth about Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
At this point I have included a side page which leads to my Statistics page when you do view this page take your time to really absorb the data presented this page is under construction and will be always.

The next chapter 2.Incredible Evidence From Historical Documents