Dear Children
"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." I John 3:18
'Religious' people have a greater tendency to be harsh and 'look down upon' those who are learning the Torah lifestyle.
The closer we come to YHVH, the kinder we should be!
Pleasure Of Forgiving
When we forgive others, we help ourselves as much as we help those whom we forgive.
We are elevating ourselves and will feel much better when we forgive, than if we would keep on adding more and more resentment.
it for a couple of weeks. At night, think about any difficulties you had with others and forgive them. Notice how it will
change your attitude toward those people the next day.
A person, who threatens, "I'll remember that" or "I'll get
even with you" hurts himself more than he hurts others. Why suffer from resentment when you can choose the pleasure of forgiving?