Be A New Lump
"Do we not realize that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Purge out the old
leaven and be a new lump... Let us keep the feast."
(I Cor 5:6-8)
Leaven is a type of sin. We are instructed to purge out the leaven so that we may be a new lump.
Beware of the doctrines of Pharisees, those who are self righteous in their own works looking for approval of men and not
of YHVH.
We are instructed to beware of ungodly professors, false teachers who do not preach and teach the whole gospel
of grace and accountability.
Beware and purge out malice and wickedness.
Let us not consume
the leaven of a lukewarm spirit of wishy washiness, or YHVH will spew us out of His mouth! Let us be clean through the
washing of His Word on our conscience. Be a clean vessel, acceptable unto YHVH.
Yashua is our Passover lamb.
Let us not trample His precious Blood underfoot, and preach another gospel save Yashua, and Him crucified! Let us not
be leavened by any doctrine that twists the Word of YHVH to soothe itching ears!
"Purge out the old leaven so that
you may be new lump." Study, meditate and ask questions if you do not understand. Ask, seek knock and the door
will be opened unto you.
Additional Lessons For Passover
Jewish Holidays
The Feasts Of YHVH
Aviv Barley
Passover - A Spiritual Journey
Passover And The Number Four
Passover And The Number Seven
Second Passover - Second Chance
Counting The Omer - Jewish Thanksgiving