My name is Rinah Shalom. I was born and raised in Israel. My Jewish upbringing was nominal at best and my knowledge
of YHVH ELOHIM was even less. I became interested in learning more about my Jewish roots after coming to the U.S.
in my mid twenties. I started reading a little Torah (Bible), asking questions (from my "mostly" non Jewish friends),
watching "religious" programs on T.V. and even going to "church" when I was invited. The T.V. program that impacted
me the most was the 700 club. I would pray (and cry) as I listened to the many stories of how YHVH came into
these people's lives and changed them, and I started longing for changes to take place in my life as well. To make
a long story short... the greatest miracle happened to me. YHVH heard my "longings" (the prayers of my heart)
and took me to be His "child" and so I stand until this day - His child and forever I am! After this "born again/Salvation
experience my life changed completely. I can truely say that YHVH turned me "inside out". He rearranged me,
taught me, trained me and equipped me to do His Work, then "sent" me to His "fields" to bring in the harvest. I believe
that because of my Jewish upbringing, my knowledge of the Hebrew language and my love of Torah, I have a special unction to
teach the Truth of the Old Testament "to the Jew first and also to the gentile; for in it the righteousness of YHVH
is revealed." I've been the teacher and spiritual leader of The Hope Of Israel Ministries for the past six
years and just in the last year I started sharing my teaching on the Internet. I hope you enjoy YHVH's Word
and grow closer to HIM as you "add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge." (II Peter 1:5)
Studying YHVH's Word has always been special to me, and it is my prayer for you that you too will "Study
to show yourself approved unto YHVH ELOHIM, a workman that needs not be ashamed (on Judgement Day), rightly dividing the Word
of Truth." (II Tim 2:15)
May the Love of Messiah Yashua be yours always! |